Gorgeous CWD SE09 monoflap with standard length/forward flaps in upgraded full buffalo leather.
From the CWD website: “For the rider, the SE09 saddle provides a feeling of permanent contact with the horse which ensures more precise actions. Contact is unrivaled thanks to the single-flap and a lower cut of the saddle flap around the stirrup bars (only one layer of leather under the skirt). Front and back blocks ensure correct leg position. For the horse, the wide panels are concave and integrated for better distribution of the saddle’s pressure along the horse’s back. The saddle opening around the shoulders frees the horse’s movements.”
Saddle Stats:
Year: 2020
Seat Size: 18″
Seat Style: SE09 (semi-deep)
Flap Style: 2A (standard/forward)
Flap Length (measured from the bottom of the stirrup bar): 13.5″
Flap Width (widest point): 15.25″
Gullet measurement: 4.25″ (medium-narrow to medium fit)
Comes with: CWD fleece-lined cover