Stunning Devoucoux Biarritz Lab with long/forward flaps in upgraded full buffalo leather.
About the Biarritz Lab: “Its slender twist gives the rider greater precision and contact as well as balance. The use of D3D technology for the padding enhances the interactivity between rider and horse. The saddle’s splayed form (+30% weight-bearing surface) combined with the increased space between the saddle pads liberates the horse’s spinal column to give it greater freedom of movement and comfort”
Saddle Stats:
Year: 2019
Seat Size: 18″
Seat Style: Biarritz Lab (semi-deep)
Flap Style: 3A (long/forward)
Flap Length (measured from the bottom of the stirrup bar): 13.5″
Flap Width (widest point): 14″
Gullet measurement: 4.5″ (medium)
Comes with: Devoucoux fleece-lined cover and 54″ Devoucoux leathers
Comment: The bottom of both flaps have been professionally restitched.